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Letter of the week activities

Although we work with a variety of letters on a daily basis, we like to "spotlight" one letter a week with a variety of activities.

Alphabet Attire - Alphabet attire is on Friday (or occasionally a Thursday). This is a time to dress for the letter! A list will be sent home for each letter's theme! Participation is optional, but highly encouraged.


Letter Show & Tell - Show & Tell is also on Friday (or occasionally a Thursday) and is considered homework - which means all students are expected to participate. We will sort, count, pattern, compare, and document our letter items. A note will be sent home the day before reminding students to bring in an item/picture from home that BEGINS with the desired letter sound. The items they bring in should fit into their backpacks. Please do not send in anything of great value, backpacks tend to get bumped, twirled, and dropped.


Eating the Alphabet - Eating the Alphabet will also take place on Friday (or occasionally a Thursday) during snack time. Each child will be asked once, maybe twice, to supply a yummy snack for the whole class that begins with the "spotlight" letter. For example, for the letter M, I could bring in Muffins or Moose Tracks ice cream. Letter snacks have been randomly assigned to students.

Alphabet Attire List.JPG
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